The modern inhabitants are confiscators and falsifiers of high repute, if gossip speaks truly concerning them, and I freely believe it does.
The difficult history of Mosul, however, still contributes to tensions among its modern inhabitants.
Five thousand years ago, the ancestors of the modern inhabitants began to settle in this area.
Every college gateway invites exploration - too much so, unfortunately, for their modern inhabitants.
Khoisan hunter-gatherers are the earliest known modern human inhabitants of the area.
In comparison, the modern inhabitants of the area are relative newcomers.
The modern inhabitants of Europe had little in common with the ancestors they claimed.
An estimated 30 to 40% of Pigüé's modern inhabitants, which represents roughly 5,000+, are said to have their roots in Aveyron.
The origins of more modern inhabitants are found among the forest hunters and nomadic tribes of Inner Asia.
For the modern inhabitants of Barsetshire, the chance of a little idleness would indeed be a fine thing.