The local-global conundrum, a thoroughly modern predicament, has found its way into a small shelf's worth of new food books.
As with so many modern predicaments, however, the issue is no longer about the technology but about how people use it.
Installations, big ones anyway, are at least well suited to address one nagging modern predicament, which is that we have too much art to see.
What seemed to unite the six works the group played was the sense that each was a response to a peculiarly modern predicament.
And the conflict between the moving and the fixed is a major modern predicament: the insistence on self-improvement frustrates the desire for roots.
Unable to reconcile the polarity, he untimately abandoned the hope for consolation and described the modern predicament as an iron cage.
Which leads to an interesting modern predicament.
She forgets that adventurers both male and female together face this modern predicament.
That the Christian message is today thus misinterpreted - so as to destroy its envy-neutralising effect - is significant for the modern predicament.
It is imperative that families be efficiently supported, both economically and socially, in order to alleviate the shameful modern predicament of child poverty in Europe.