The Government has also tried to bring modern services like electricity, clean drinking water and better roads to rural areas.
The Charter's commitment to modern, open services will help them to win the respect that good service deserves.
This Government is committed to reducing waste and delivering modern public services at lower cost.
Some churches that offer a choice of contemporary and traditional services restrict dancing to the more modern service.
We were not, it seemed, about to rattle back into the past on a piece of the nation's heritage ousted by a more modern service.
In 1851 he founded the modern Indian postal service.
There is no place in the modern civil service for a presumption of good performance.
Also, the scope of training has been extended from modern services to various sectors relating to economic and social development.
There is no place for caged beds or anything like them in a modern psychiatric service.
But have we created a modern service that is more than a 28th national diplomatic service?