The study of humanae litterae overcame that of divinae litterae, and opened the way for modern skepticism and science.
The proofs in his arguments bear strong resemblance to the precepts of modern skepticism.
One guidebook I would recommend for a tour through the labyrinths of modern skepticism is Susan Haack's "Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate."
It was possible to do it then, for all that nasty modern skepticism had not yet arisen.
MAKING piety appealing in a climate of modern skepticism would seem a Sisyphean labor for performers today - especially women.
Second, it can, and often is, read standing on its own as the foundation of modern skepticism.
The contrast is one reason for modern skepticism about its authorship.
The Nobel committee praised his "parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony", and his "modern skepticism" about official truths.
Note that anti-skepticism is a reaction to modern academic skepticism in the wake of Descartes.
Later thinkers took up Pyrrho's approach and extended it into modern skepticism.