The house, stripped of all modern trappings and painstakingly refurbished, is a pristine example of turn-of-the-century middle-class propriety.
Except for the Range Rovers and other, occasional, modern trappings.
Without the modern trappings of his clothing, he looked just like the wild, desperate bandit he was accused of being.
His modern trappings aside, Mr. Ashley has a medieval turn of mind; it's no wonder the singers are chanting.
Luxurious gadgets do not always wear modern trappings, and some are intended to appeal to classic tastes as well.
There were almost no modern trappings.
Fusions like that risk cultural loss by assimilation, but the dignified clarity of the tonkori came through even in modern trappings.
It's just kind of hard to see it with modern religious trappings.
As we shed most modern trappings - when was the last time you went half a week without even seeing a car?
Rejecting the modern trappings of the cellar, Mr. Gravner has reached back 5,000 years.