This stunning modern detached villa has been furnished and decorated to a very good standard.
The neighborhood is dominated by penthouses and modern villas which serve a small community of families who share a private courtyard.
Ehden has experienced a building boom in recent times extending beyond its traditional precincts where modern villas and apartments were built.
On the left side of the temple is a modern villa on the hill.
The modern villa was in fact built this century, but early in the century.
There are a few modern villas going up, enormous, garish structures.
It became a rising entity in the real estate market after the construction of the modern villas next to the old village, where natives still live.
This magnificent modern villa blends well into the countryside of Opio.
Some 300 Spanish properties - modern villas, converted farmhouses - all with pools.
Some trim modern villas, part of a new housing development, slid by.