It took up one floor of a modernistic, glass-walled building and was filled with a vast array of scientific equipment.
The palace was ripped down and replaced by a modernistic high-rise building in 1913.
Since the early 1990s however, Hellvik has seen the construction of several "modernistic" buildings built.
The modernistic temporary building will cost $7 million and will house computer animation explaining the giant project.
Dunolly Gardens, the last garden apartment complex that Thomas built, was an exception, a modernistic building completed in 1939.
They had made a design of classic sculptures and decorations, that would contrast with the modernistic building.
She described his designs as copied from pictures of "horrible modernistic buildings", and judged them as "embarrassingly bad".
The square features modernistic buildings around and it had red shingles with arches.
In contrast to the modernistic buildings surrounding it, Tomorrow Town was predominantly traditional.
When they reached a modernistic glass-walled building of striking design, Tom braked to a halt.