The National Lacrosse League also saw a modest boost in attendance.
"But as interest in stocks revives, a modest boost in investment flows into these shares may permit them to rally potentially more than the rest of the market."
Trenton's goal is to shore up its remaining industrial base and give it a modest boost.
Hopes that America's recovery will discover fresh momentum this year received a modest boost after the jobs market again showed improvement.
At best, the dividend-tax cut is aimed at giving a modest boost to the stock market.
It had, however, resulted in a more modest boost, with ratings hovering at about 800,000 a night.
Mr. Gore received a modest boost today when The Chicago Tribune, Illinois's largest paper, endorsed him.
Mr. Smith got a modest boost from an endorsement by former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York.
Both ideas might result in a modest boost in savings.
Defense stocks received only a modest boost from the quick success of the war.