With a limited supply, even modest demand can push the price up and, analysts worry, create a repeat of last year's turmoil on the exchange.
The almost $5,000 price tag is a factor in modest demand.
Their response has been to play along while making modest demands of their own.
Until then, even modest demand wreaks havoc with the flow.
They were reasonably modest demands given the dangerous working environment and poor working conditions.
The book makes some modest demands on its readers.
Beyond their role in driving the economy, the retirees help the state by making modest demands on public services.
With the teachers and the police seeking hefty pay increases, city officials have concentrated their bargaining efforts on unions making more modest demands.
I therefore urge you to take on board these long overdue and modest demands.
Equally important, because of its smaller scale and more modest demands, it put the composers back in at least partial control of their experiments.