But where Acme was - and remains - a giant in the field, Rego Smoked Fish was a more modest enterprise.
But can deals like hers and Mr. Jackson's succeed where more modest artist-owned enterprises have failed?
The Lower Village was completely developed by the 1930s and is known for its upscale shopping and dining, although the actual mix of stores includes several modest enterprises.
A1 The German chemical company accused of having helped Libya build a poison-gas plant is a modest enterprise with headquarters in the city of Lahr.
There was something incredibly touching about the hopefulness that went with this modest enterprise.
He and his brother transformed the modest enterprise at home into an industrial group with interests in steel, engineering, pharmaceuticals, hotels, shipping and tea.
Wen Ken Group originated as a modest enterprise in 1937.
From the early days of the kibbutzim, guesthouses began as a modest enterprise, to put up local visitors and help bring in extra income.
It used to be that a $50 microloan to start an embroidery kiosk or other modest enterprise was a gateway out of poverty for women in poor countries.
He joined Food Research Laboratories in 1926 as assistant director of the modest enterprise in midtown Manhattan.