This is a deceptively modest exhibition that sustains a great deal of thought and close looking.
The exhibition itself, almost excessively modest and spare, is a collaboration between two Lebanese-born artists.
It folded nearly three decades later, and this modest exhibition is the first major look at its materials in more than 30 years.
But this small four-part exhibition, so modest it almost seems skimpy, often has a preachy didacticism that its predecessors largely avoided.
A few striking pieces and an engaging variety of thematic and technical interpretations turn this modest flower-motif exhibition into a rather lively affair.
In the current pluralistic, factionalized environment, that burden weighs especially heavily on Documenta, as it would not on a more modest exhibition.
A good example is the modest exhibition of cylinder seals now on display at the Pierpont Morgan Library.
Though modest as museum exhibitions go, "Household Choices" covers a fascinating range.
Its palatial interior has a modest but touching exhibition on the history of the building and its immigrant neighborhood.
The show began as a modest exhibition organized by the army to project the cattle wealth of the country in the early fifties.