They had prepared a modest meal of celebration.
For a more modest meal, there is the Cafe Mozart.
After some friendly bargaining a deal was struck and the platoon invited to share a modest meal with the natives in their village.
I insisted, and she turned to the falafel maker, ordering in Arabic the most modest meal possible.
The code gives approval to modest meals in the course of business.
The $258 Merck lunch, for example, cost the company only $10.75 a person and fell clearly within industry guidelines allowing modest meals.
Presently, when their modest meal had been consumed, they were outside again.
As to whether the dinner fit the "modest meal" criteria, that, too, is unclear, because the guidelines offer no specifics.
After my report to the Grand Admiral there was a modest one-course meal with the staff.
In the evenings, they share a modest meal, and Pol Pot asks his daughter about what she learned that day.