However, if the club made a boat and equipment available to members for hire at modest rates this obstacle would be removed.
The city has some good hotels available at modest rates, about US$ 10-70 per day.
Americans are saving 4 to 5 percent of their income, a modest rate in historical terms.
Plague cases continued to occur sporadically at a modest rate until the summer of 1666.
"This is a modest multiple with the inflation rate only about 4.5 percent," he added.
Domestic orders also rose, but at a comparatively modest rate of 14.2 percent, to $252.9 million.
Scenic walks are included in the modest daily rate.
Since then the birth rate has recovered somewhat, leading to modest rates of natural increase.
In the same month Swiss unemployment rose to the still modest rate of 0.7%.
Even at modest rates of return, and with taxes on earnings, the fund can be expected to reach the $300,000 goal.