Looking at the modest shop, Vi thought the smart money was on the Godking.
He owned a modest shop in Leicester Square and later the Strand, before eventually retiring to Brighton with his wife Natalie.
From different states, from unexpected parts of the country, calls had come for him: private homes, small office buildings, modest shops.
The first 18' Skiers came out as 1976 models from a modest shop in Opa Locka Florida.
Alucius looked again at the structure - one that looked more like a small palace - and out of place amid the more modest shops and dwellings.
You want to open a modest little 30-by-40 shop?
At first glance, Mr. Ribaudo's modest shop seems less busy than the colorful deli counters and vegetable stands nearby.
He established a modest shop in 1775 at 57 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré (which would become No 19 when the street was renumbered in 1806).
Such a modest shop would not wreak havoc, but it would have enough backbone to stand up to police and politicians if necessary.
The Audit Board is envisioned as a modest shop, with a staff of 13 and a budget of only $1 million a year.