The uniforms are variants of the traditional Judge (2000 AD) uniform, with specific modifications based upon the judges' personalities.
Through these modifications based on the clients' needs and clever marketing, these houses gained an unprecedented popularity with prominent architects worldwide.
But she believes some aspects of Islam are flexible and are subject to modification based on changes in society.
A number of modifications based on other national banks were encompassed within the regulations under which the bank was founded.
The rule is expected to become final in about six weeks, with perhaps some modifications based on comments of airlines and other interested parties.
The experiments need to be repeated, with modifications based on all we have learned in the succeeding years.
A few years later, in 1783, the Teatro Pubblico underwent considerable modification and decoration, based on a design by Natale Marini, of Rome:
Suggestions for appropriate dietary modifications based on nutrition-related symptoms are widely available for patient and healthcare professional use.
Taylor's species list and classification are now generally accepted with some additions of newly described taxa and modifications based on phylogenetic studies.
The uniforms are variants of the traditional judge uniforms, with specific modifications based upon the judges' personalities.