Conductive atomic force microscopy (c-AFM) is one such modification technique.
It prohibits the hostile use of environmental modification techniques having "widespread, long-lasting or severe effects."
Most treatment programmes include behavioural modification techniques, making the patient's access to pleasurable activities contingent on weight gain.
Other types of treatment that may help you control some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral modification techniques.
Behavioral modification techniques to reduce pain and stress.
Shaping relies on behavioral modification techniques, in which successive attempts to produce speech is reinforced.
Another type in the disease's modification technique is the synuclein silencing.
Finally, we would also like specific research to be initiated into the use of genetic modification techniques in fish farming.
In the light of the recent spate of food safety scares, we need as much information as possible about the scientific progress of genetic modification techniques.
It is all about the question of whether a laboratory must comply with strict safety regulations when it is working with genetic modification techniques.