In Stephenson's world geographical borders are re-mapped into mobile, modular elements.
The building structure is unusual at MIT, in that it is made of modular reinforced concrete structural elements, prefabricated off-site.
Such an element is called a modular element.
Cubicles are composed of modular elements such as work surfaces, overhead bins, drawers, and shelving, which can be configured depending on the user's needs.
These pavilions, for which he had won first prize in an architectural competition, were composed of modular wooden elements, progressively growing in height and length, covered by jute.
He was an important figure in Neoclassicism, and his system of design using simple modular elements anticipated modern industrialized building components.
In mathematics, a supersoluble arrangement is a hyperplane arrangement which has a maximal flag with only modular elements.
Trestle - Used as a modular element for building bridges and towers.
Every quasinormal subgroup is a modular subgroup, that is, a modular element in the lattice of subgroups.
All shipping containers are made to standard measurements and as such they provide modular elements that can be combined into larger structures.