The Standard is now primarily published in a simple "modular" format that eliminates redundancy.
Keyword View lets users create and view the steps of a test in a modular, table format.
The programme is offered in two formats - a week-long modular format and a weekend format - and has a focus on real-world learning and leadership development.
It employs a modular format (typically one course in one week) for most of its courses.
Songs were always recorded in a modular, analog format, utilizing dozens of cassette recorders and broken four tracks.
The new version dramatically expanded the story with fresh interviews, insightful narration, far more music and a host of innovations-all in a modular format which allowed stations more programming flexibility.
Composers for the killersound library became accustomed to composing in this modular format for web presentations and found it lucrative.
The programme is also available in a modular format to accommodate students who wish to continue working while they pursue their studies.
In 1975, the freshman and sophomore years consisted of interdisciplinary studies, and were organized in a modular format, with each course lasting a few weeks or months.
Concepts like "elliptical space" and "modular formats" defeat even the resourceful "Nova" graphics staff.