The modular nature and expandability to 16 units connected to one PC was also somewhat unique.
In this case, the modular nature of its construction enables us to tailor the course exactly to fit.
This reflects the modular nature of the operating system.
Its modular nature prevents one script reference from interfering with another.
The modular nature of the organization allows for partial deployments, and the full unit is not often deployed.
The Century stand is near-ubiquitous on motion picture sets because of its modular nature and versatility.
Because of this modular nature, it can be integrated with legacy and enterprise systems to meet institutions' current business needs.
The modular nature of the Course facilitates credit transfers to and from the American system.
The modular nature enable sheds to infill on irregularly shaped sites.
Smaller experiments can be easily set, taking advantage of the modular nature of the laboratories.