The modular piece of the housing pie is small but growing.
A scaled-down sectional, the Phelps has modular pieces, some with arms and some without, that sit on chrome legs.
Patent D642,855 shows a modern modular piece cast form of the traditionally, brick by brick, constructed wood fired oven.
It is self-consciously modern, made up of modular curved pieces.
Such vessels can be assembled from modular pieces and so have "no inherent size limitations".
Large scientific experiments and structures such as the new station are broken down into modular pieces and reassembled on-site.
The spandrel plates were welded to the columns to create the modular pieces off-site at the fabrication shop.
The modular pieces were typically 52 inches (1.3 m) deep, and extended for two full floors and half of two more floors.
The Behavior Editor is used to create and edit code and game logic in modular pieces known as behaviors and events.
When making models for his sculptures, Smith first created modular pieces based on tetrahedrons and octahedrons.