In the fall of 2006, the J series got a refresh of the modular products offering significantly increased performance to meet updated WAN technologies requirements.
Asset ID is an open modular product that can be integrated with most existing ERPs.
Before you decide whether a modular product is for you, it helps to get a handle on comprehensive medical cover and what it means.
This modular product gives people options over what to focus on.
It is a modular product, based on standards, that offers a comprehensive solution to the problem of mobility.
Indeed, the notion flies in the face of the traditional consumer electronics industry, which has long been built upon modular products from multiple manufacturers that plug together.
Specifically, the largest graph that is an induced subgraph of both G and H corresponds to the maximum clique in their modular product.
The classical method of calculating a modular product involves first multiplying the numbers as if they were integers and then taking the modulo of the result.
Under the name Sybase System 10, the company will release a series of modular, integrated products over the course of the next year.
We face a rising flood of throw-away items, impermanent architecture, mobile and modular products, rented goods and commodities designed for almost instant death.