The College is also offering a post-registration naturopathic qualification and an award in clinical education based on the completion of a modular programme of study.
A program that embodies SoC well is called a modular program.
It was a modular program which could represent a variety of control structures, including weirs, sluices and culverts and floodplains.
This leads to a modular program.
For their part, Oracle and the other developers of mainframe software say modular programs have little place in their highly customized niche.
Modules may be offered as free-standing units or in integrated modular programmes depending on the needs of various client groups.
Of course, integrated programmes are less suitable for part-time attendees and those who want to do parts of a modular programme.
It is a modular program with many drivers which support many modern printers.
The prison authorities recognise the need for coherent planning of modular programmes for prison candidates.
This allows you to write modular programs which would, if written in one piece, be too large for the memory available.