Describes corrective measures for achieving moisture control and cleanliness.
This dehumidifier is perfect for moisture control in cold areas with space constraints or crawl spaces.
There are many industries where moisture control is critical.
The key to mold control is moisture control.
There are many factors which influence the life of carr building stone such as the bedding mortar, moisture control and orientation of stone.
The program of 30 classes will include instruction about lawns, composting, moisture control, building patios, growing Christmas trees and choosing energy-saving devices.
During periods of extended dry conditions, moisture control may also be needed to minimize dust.
Among the issues that we discussed were bug infestation, dusting techniques and moisture control.
This stresses the importance of moisture controls and ventilation within residential homes and other buildings.
Moisture-wicking fabrics are a class of hi-tech fabrics that provide moisture control for an athlete's skin.