Researchers were confounded by the metre-wide plant's giant leaves, compared to its desert counterparts, whose tiny leaves stop dangerous moisture loss.
They may also have other adaptations such as allowing their body temperature to rise, saving on moisture loss from evaporative cooling or panting.
These mills prepare materials for analysis with minimal moisture loss.
However if not eaten before it cools or dries, the bread is even worse than before due to the moisture loss.
Note that searing in no way "locks in" moisture: moisture loss is simply a function of heat and time.
To cut down on moisture loss during dry periods, plants close the stomata, or tiny openings in their leaves.
She breathed vacuum without any kind of protection against internal moisture loss.
They were young but much like all the priests she could remember: soft of features, uncalloused hands, careless of their moisture losses.
Another fact to file away in his memory - a survival adaptation to reduce moisture loss in the driest desert?
Airway cooling and moisture loss are important triggers of exercise-induced asthma.