Some neurotransmitters are hyperactive, others are breaking down into their molecular bases.
The firm applies both population genetics and genomics approaches to identify the fundamental, molecular bases of major diseases that predominantly affect women.
The molecular bases for this inheritance are complex, involving at least three loci, and are of importance for the treatment of hereditary anemias.
Christine Petit (France): "For research on the molecular and cellular bases of human hereditary deafness and other sensorial deficiencies."
Gitelman syndrome was formerly considered a subset of Bartter syndrome until the distinct genetic and molecular bases of these disorders were identified.
Hypotheses for the cellular and molecular bases of pathological early overgrowth include the following:
The institute plays a leading role in the research on the molecular and immunological bases and identification of diagnostic markers of coeliac disease and of chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
The Cancer Research Building (CRB) houses research laboratories which investigate molecular bases of disease, cancer therapeutics, metastasis mechanisms, cancer genetics, viral gene therapy and other fields.
Called "organic compounds," because they have a molecular base containing carbon atoms, they are better known as solvents.
The burgeoning amount of bacterial genomic data provides unparalleled opportunities for understanding the genetic and molecular bases of the degradation of organic pollutants.