A variety of methods are used to create imitation pearls from starting materials that include glass, plastic, and actual mollusc shell.
The collection includes over 16,000 worldwide species of mollusc shells, from marine, terretrial and freshwater habitats.
He made their effigies out of tropical seashells, primarily mollusc shells, which were held together with plaster, working without any concern for the end result.
It is sometimes free-living, growing on loose bits of coral, pebbles or mollusc shells.
He showed that simple equations could describe all the apparently complex spiral growth patterns of animal horns and mollusc shells.
The study of mollusc shells, including gastropod shells, is called conchology.
The first mollusc shell almost certainly was reinforced with the mineral aragonite.
More simply, the similarity transformations can be seen to describe the growth and form of mollusc shells (Figure 3b).
A whorl is a single, complete 360 revolution or turn in the spiral growth of a mollusc shell.
It is a vestige of the ancestral mollusc shell, which was external.