A moment later the alien unfolded its legs and again faced Archer.
This is how the moments unfold in the movie and in life, like the shadows of clouds skittering across the lawn.
The moment unfolds without hyperbole or melodrama because the rest of the film has anticipated it.
The first few moments of the play unfold in silence.
Amid the bleakness of recent events, a promising moment unfolded in a ceremony in Baghdad last week.
It never failed to astonish me how there were always people around to watch tense moments unfold.
On a noiseless night anywhere in the big leagues during the long season, those moments often unfold too slowly.
Musical influences and moments of parody flit by as the work unfolds.
In a few more seconds, the moment unfolded that fans, especially those watching at 8:11 a.m. in Japan, wanted to see.
Rabbi Shulman has learned to lay back and let the moment unfold.