As the man bent forward close to the flame, his face was momentarily revealed.
All was momentarily revealed as she flung up her arms and jumped into the pool.
His form was revealed momentarily as he neared a light; no eyes were there to see it before the shape again blended with blackness.
The Shadow's tall form was only momentarily revealed.
The open door momentarily revealed a spinning blur.
If you get tripped up, you can tap a blank space to momentarily reveal the missing word.
In the rush of movement the hood covering the head of this new opponent fell back, momentarily revealing the face.
And the organization's hidden capacity, momentarily revealed by the crisis, is quickly extinguished and forgotten.
A tawny hide, revealed momentarily between the leaves, brought a gleam to Demo's eye.
The shadowy shape of a slouch hat was momentarily revealed by the vague illumination.