Mydra and Deng exchanged glances so briefly that neither of the other two saw the momentary expressions.
He caught a momentary expression that flitted rapidly across her face.
He paused in the middle of the kitchen, his smile drifting away into a momentary expression that was puzzled and a little disquieted.
A momentary expression of dismay crossed the other mage's face.
A momentary expression of doubt crossed Julian's face as he retraced his steps and signed to her to be seated again.
No, I decided, even as the momentary expression of shock faded from the soft brown eyes.
The marshal looked up, a momentary expression of annoyance crossing his face.
The momentary facial expression, however, was not lost on Kirk.
He had noticed the momentary, troubled, confused, impatient expression on Dontsova's face.
Miriam watched a momentary expression of uncertainty cross Olga's face.