Best to forget your momentary interests in place of serious study.
The girl showed a momentary interest.
She saw with momentary interest that what had seemed one room was in reality two.
Whatever momentary interest its members may show in the war is inevitably swamped by the party's unquenchable thirst for political power.
Cerryl glanced sideways at Beryal, who seemed not to have noticed his momentary interest.
When Siris stood up, and used a short length of grass-rope to tie back her long hair, the man eyed her with momentary interest.
Heads turned to watch them pass, evidenced momentary interest, then turned quickly away again.
The gaunt face held a cheerful blankness, and the hollow eyes flashed with a merely momentary interest.
When we can gratify momentary interests almost instantly, learning will become more fun.
The electrocardiograph aroused just such momentary interest as a child's unfamiliar plaything might cause.