NEVER before had the d.h. factor required such a momentous announcement during the World Series.
And as their seventh anniversary approached, they prepared the human universe for a momentous announcement.
A live, real-time subspace transmission had already begun, to share with the entire population of the Empire what Spock's advisers had promised would be a "momentous announcement."
LEAD: Last week, Carnegie Hall made a momentous announcement during a press conference called at the last minute.
And whether we will be ready by next week and - or later this week to make any momentous announcements, I'm not sure.
She wanted to know how things had worked out for Freddie, and she also had this momentous announcement to make to him once the night's work was done.
Then one day in August he made his momentous announcement: 'I have launched my boat.'
These were the motives that lay behind yesterday's momentous announcement on the end of their marriage, says leading royal biographer Penny Junor.
A momentous announcement.
They had been prepared for a momentous announcement - stories leaked about "a world-shaking revelation."