We hope Mr. Jaafari rises to this momentous challenge.
Every Second Counts is another book from a man who strives every day to meet life's momentous challenges.
For Mr. Malik, who had taken office only 10 weeks earlier, the bombings posed a momentous challenge.
Securing political stability was the right thing to do when facing such momentous challenges.
Unprepared for a challenge so momentous, he knew not how to look his comrade in the face.
On the flight, I thought about the historical significance of my election and the momentous challenges ahead.
It leaves the world's farmers with a momentous challenge on their hands: produce more food, for more people, from less.
Climate change, like any momentous challenge, provides opportunities for growth for companies willing to be leaders.
I believe that we in Europe are uniquely placed to lead the world in meeting the wholly new and momentous challenges of globalisation ahead.
She shook with the rush of a momentous and life-changing challenge.