It is a knockout punch, a monumental and momentous victory for Connecticut.
Tuesday night's momentous 60-59 victory over a Clemson team that won 22 games last season was more significant than the LSU win for two reasons.
The Devils scored two goals on rebounds tonight en route to a momentous 5-2 playoff-opening victory over the Montreal Canadiens at Continental Arena.
Despite this momentous victory, he lost to world no. 32 Wayne Ferreira of South Africa 7-6, 7-5 in the second round.
I'd like to say a momentous victory, but I've seen far too many odd turns of event in my time to be so optimistic.
Another half-hour of it would have sealed a momentous victory.
This was a momentous victory and a victory Clemens could be proud of, a Clemens kind of triumph.
Jose-Maria Olazabal won four tournaments in 1990, including a momentous victory in America.
In 881 Louis achieved a momentous victory against Viking pirates, whose harassments had been ongoing since his grandfather's reign, at the Battle of Saucourt-en-Vimeu.
This emancipation was a momentous victory for all slave forces, and oral histories suggest a boost in their morale.