Little or no momentum gathers, and the bloodshed at the end is pure narrative desperation.
If momentum to sell dollars gathers steam, it could lead to a dollar plunge, a global financial crisis and deep worldwide recession.
But momentum is gathering in state capitals, in Washington and in mining communities like this one for new safeguards.
The momentum for erasing a mechanical failure as the cause of the crash gathered early and never really relented.
My original sense of how the work should move, how its momentum should gather, quickly proved impractical.
"But they are also to take the momentum gathered around the movie and direct it towards activities that will have a concrete effect on the election."
While momentum in international investment has been gathering for some time, the spring and summer saw intense growth in this area.
Killeen sensed coiling momentum gather through the entire mass before him.
The moment news flashed that you had reappeared in Proton, momentum gathered.
Meanwhile, momentum was gathering for airline deregulation.