My momentum spun him.
Catching the handrail, Atticus let momentum spin him around and landed back on the catwalk.
It missed Hank's sprapled leg by no more than an inch and the momentum of it spun him half around.
The momentum of Flint's swing spun the dwarf around.
The momentum spun him into the bulkhead beside her, but she had a good grip on a handhold so they both stayed put.
For all of Drizzt's attempts to keep the weapon under control, its momentum spun his tiny frame right to the ground.
Her momentum spun her around.
When the mainspring broke, the outer part recoiled and the momentum spun the barrel in the reverse direction.
Their momentum spun them end over end.
The agent steadied, accepted her weight and momentum, bent, spun, and completed the kill with the sureness of a man thoroughly trained.