In this system, the monarch chooses the successor, who is always his relative.
There was no set title for the king of England before 1066 and monarchs chose to style themselves as they pleased.
A monarch sometimes chooses a reign name which is different from his or her personal name.
With some exceptions, each subsequent British monarch has chosen his or her own design for the Great Seal.
Each reigning monarch chooses his personal motto, however the last three kings have all chosen "Alt for Norge".
In some other monarchies (e.g. Jordan), the monarch chooses who will be his successor, who need not necessarily be his eldest son.
As an absolute ruler, a monarch can choose a title.
However over the years the monarchs of England have chosen differing coronation crowns and therefore, the crowns have unofficially kept up with each change.
This was limited by royal prerogative, and the monarch could still choose to change the accepted laws in a conquered colony.
Since ancient times, monarchs have frequently, but not always, chosen to use a name different from their own usual personal name when they inherit a throne.