The Sena took part in an armed uprising against the monarchic rule in Nepal in the late 1940s.
Others yet consider that this presidential privilege is inappropriate for modern times, a relic of monarchic rule that should be abolished.
His thinking inspired many of his students against monarchic rule.
It defines the hereditary monarchic rule with a parliamentary system of representation.
It was not a true constitution, but was essentially an outline of the fundamental principles on which the monarchic rule was based.
However, over the years, as the monarchic rule ended, the palace was completely neglected and fell to disuse, and was dilapidated.
He described a preference for an aristocracy over monarchic or democratic rule.
Most abolished monarchic rule in favour of an aristocratic form of government, usually headed by an arhon (chief magistrate).
This experience may have influenced his lifelong devotion to conservative politics and his nostalgia for monarchic rule for Mexico.
After centuries of direct monarchic rule, Bhutan held its first democratic elections in March 2008.