Before his monastic career, Bernard was a soldier under Charlemagne.
He enjoyed mathematics but did not wish to spend his life in such a "monastic career."
He began his monastic career on 15 January 1626.
During the ceremony, while riding on an elephant, he inauspiciously tore his robe, which was later to prove an ill omen in his monastic career.
This prominence accorded to the Éoganachta in the genealogies is to be seen in the light of Colmán's monastic career and the position of Cloyne after his death (see below).
He started his monastic career at Mount Huang-po.
John Cassian began his monastic career at a monastery in Palestine and Egypt around 385 to study monastic practice there.
It is achievable within the limits of your nature and your monastic career.
In 1882 he decided to resume his monastic career as archimandrite of the Monastery of Grgeteg.
He died on July 25 1444, at the age of 95, after an 83-year monastic career.