The tradition of a Christian life of "constant prayer" in a monastic setting began in this period.
These characteristics correspond to Western notions of the religious life as practiced in monastic settings.
"I was once almost engaged to this woman," a friend who had spent some years in a monastic setting told me.
The Japanese cast was all male, a conceit the composer felt would translate naturally to its English monastic setting.
The Kartause has generally received positive feedback from the students, based on the peace of the monastic setting and the beauty of the surrounding areas.
These early communities gave rise to the tradition of a Christian life of "constant prayer" in a monastic setting.
Contrast the situation which pertains when a group of men celebrate the eucharist together, as has often been the case for example in a monastic setting.
In monastic settings, lay attendants for monks or nuns are needed.
The economics of cuniculture are also thought well suited to the monastic setting.
By virtue of the fact that we're together in continued awareness, almost as in a monastic setting, we live it all the time.