However, its members will be accustomed to government intervention in monetary affairs for political reasons.
The post is responsible for the European Union's economic, financial and monetary affairs, often combined with similar portfolios.
"If Gallia, then, should ever become attached to the earth, might it not bring about an important revolution in all monetary affairs?"
In charge of the shah's personal and monetary affairs.
In 1963, he became deputy under-secretary for monetary affairs.
He told the European Parliament's committee on economic and monetary affairs.
Finally, it has been suggested to better represent the Union in the area of economic and monetary affairs.
As Commissioner responsible for economic and monetary affairs, what is your view of this delay?
It is still incomplete in four areas, namely internal controls, fiscal matters, monetary affairs and the energy market.
As he has told us, there are three subcommittees at the moment: security, human rights and monetary affairs.