The question of to whom reparations should be given, how much, and even whether monetary reparations were appropriate were subjects of sometimes contentious debate.
If you violate trademark law, you may be required to pay monetary reparations and change your business name.
Although it has made monetary reparations--a total of $3.9 billion to the Philippines, Vietnam, Burma, and Indonesia--Japan has been largely unwilling to admit wrongdoing.
Two specific requirements, expected after such a costly victory, were especially lacking: territorial gains and monetary reparations to Japan.
The most successful of such films was The Rock (1996), in which a group from the United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance holds 81 tourists hostage, demanding monetary reparations.
You have already made monetary reparations to Renaissance Corporation's shareholders, the only proven victims of those crimes.
Like Judgment Day explores the 1923 destruction of the rural black community of Rosewood, Florida, and the survivors' and descendants' legal pursuit of monetary reparations seventy years later.
The issue of the Palestinian right of return would be solved through significant monetary reparations.
Ms. Alexander points to the obvious difficulties of providing direct monetary reparations to the survivors of the African slave trade, but there are other possibilities for helping the people of Africa.
Others still press for monetary reparations to Japan's victims and their survivors.