His relief, targeted on financial assets and real estate, was principally achieved by monetary stimulus.
The good thing about this situation is that it is bringing a lot of monetary and fiscal stimulus to the forefront right now.
They have know of no options other than monetary stimulus (inflation) to keep commodity values at an artificially high level.
It can refer to an economic policy whereby a government uses fiscal or monetary stimulus in order to expand a country's output.
The huge fiscal and monetary stimulus in this country provides good reasons to expect such a recovery.
How do employers react to the supposed increased willingness of workers to offer more labour services resulting from a monetary stimulus?
Output and employment began to recover from mid-2009, in part thanks to monetary stimulus.
This is our powerful monetary stimulus to our recovering economy.
"In line with this outlook, a reduction of monetary stimulus will be required over time."
Some economists and executives had hoped for an extra measure of monetary stimulus.