His lasting legacy was the invention of coinage, which led to the beginnings of our money-based economy.
The roots of this can be found with the rise of urban cities, free merchants and a new money-based economy.
The Fore underwent considerable cultural change as a result of this contact: they traded with the outsiders, began growing coffee, and started to adopt a money-based economy.
Of greater long-term significance to the islanders were the introduction of regular contact with the outside world and the slow development of a money-based economy.
Polygamy, although still practiced, has declined with the rise of a money-based economy.
In Argentina and elsewhere, a second, international, money-based economy developed independently of the haciendas which sank into rural poverty.
A free store is a temporary market where people exchange goods and services outside of a money-based economy.
Roman towns and cities clearly had the same role in the commercial, money-based economy of that time.
This presumed a return to a money-based economy and the stabilization of the Soviet currency became one of the primary tasks of the government's economic functionaries.
This is a revision of the original society: in the first two books, the people of Oz lived in a money-based economy.