Mice were caged individually and progression of wound repair was monitored daily.
El Niño and its effects on weather are monitored daily from satellite images.
The condition of each site is monitored daily when it reports on 8 operational functions.
Incident radiation in the greenhouse was monitored daily with a 30.5 cm 2solar panel.
The seedlings were monitored daily at Mr. Williams's one-acre property in Silver Spring, Md., for three years.
Progress of the teams is monitored daily by CNBC and MCI.
The dress code is monitored daily by the faculty and staff for compliance.
He cannot overexert himself in any of the team's drills or scrimmages and will be monitored daily.
Dana-Farber said documentation for nursing care would now be monitored daily by a chart review.
It is monitored daily by meteorologists using the Mongoose weather satellite in Earth orbit.