Each document focuses on the methods that are applicable to a specific monitoring requirement.
Most monitoring requirements for deep wells focus on ensuring that the wells are operating correctly and the fluid is staying in the injection zone.
Any monitoring requirements are specified in a well's operating permit.
Indeed, complaints are frequently made that too many monitoring requirements are made of TECs.
Approved analytical methods must be used when analyzing water samples to meet federal monitoring requirements or to demonstrate compliance with drinking water regulations.
But Pyongyang can do this precisely because South Korea and China make up the difference by providing food aid with only minimal monitoring requirements.
There is a monitoring requirement for all vessels in the squid fishery.
It proposed adopting stricter water quality standards, updating bathing water management measures, rationalising monitoring requirements and improving public information channels.
Finally, there is the question of Amendments Nos 3, 30 and 33, which concern a monitoring requirement.
December 14, 2010 - EPA revises lead monitoring requirements.