There, monks discovered that five Israelis were stealing medieval Hebrew and Arabic manuscripts.
A Franciscan monk discovers the location of the temple, but is accidentally killed while Tomás represses the mutiny amongst his officers.
The sweet pea is a native of Sicily, where a monk first "discovered" it in 1699 and sent some seeds to England.
A monk called Soto discovered me.
When the appropriate time will come (often many years), the monks will discover the hidden text; when the world is ready for it.
In a little while the monks would discover that their Father Superior, their genius, their saint, had died at his work.
After their church burnt down, the monks there "discovered" the tomb of "King Arthur" and were able rebuild their church.
While doing this, the monks discovered that she was a woman and were very distressed.
Soon after the abbey's foundation the monks discovered iron ore deposits, later to prove the basis for the Furness economy.
The monks discovered I was eager to learn and easily taught.