The monkeys subsequently escaped or were released and became naturalized.
Perhaps they thought there was no need of haste, as the monkey could not escape from the cave.
Opting for neither pleasure, he headed toward the broken-out window through which the last two monkeys had escaped.
During the stop, a monkey escaped from captivity and was finally found in the Mountain Home Desert, long past the circus's departure.
Cunda and the monkeys escape, along with a village woman who refuses to leave his side.
Two other monkeys escaped but quickly returned, he said.
It is thought the monkey may have escaped from a private collection although this is disputed by some.
Specialist Rhonda Williams has a clear memory that the monkey escaped from the room.
Once a monkey had escaped from a circus, but what was that to a lion?
By the time the technician returned with the right equipment, the monkey had escaped through a hole in the garage roof.