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The venue was appropriate, given the sleek, metallic, monochromatic look of the machine, called the V-Rod.
"As it is, we're trying to give it a monochromatic look," he said.
Apparently the monochromatic look is not only effective, but it's literally working.
At least from a distance, it also has the monochromatic look of being dyed.
Despite its rather monochromatic look, this is a district with large voting blocs that have broadly diverse views.
It will add interest to a monochromatic look.
He emphasizes a monochromatic look with matching tote bags, shoes and even sunglasses.
An analogous color scheme creates a rich, monochromatic look.
People don't want a monochromatic look anymore; they want something with warmth and creativity.
Start with a clean, monochromatic look in earth tones.