MineCam 1 worked, but the monochrome image was sometimes difficult to interpret.
The sleeve is very eye-catching, as the wording and the main monochrome image are almost entirely in black.
Small regions of color in an otherwise monochrome image immediately draw the viewer's eye.
But this literally, they've got a flexible plastic sheet which displays monochrome images.
Once, stamps, with their engraved monochrome images of national leaders and famous events, taught history.
To get the right color, your set needs to mix or balance these three monochrome images correctly.
The second version featured a monochrome image of a beach scene.
C-41 film can be processed in standard black-and-white chemicals, to produce a monochrome negative image.
The resulting scene, which is apparently dark to a human observer, appears as a monochrome image on a normal display device.
Output quality is good for text, monochrome images and color images.