This is a monogamous species, however, a few cases of polygamy have been reported.
It is a monogamous species and once paired up, they will defend their territories with warning calls.
In most monogamous species, males contribute a great deal to offspring care.
The factors affecting lifetime success in males and females of monogamous species have yet to be described.
They are a monogamous species with pairs staying together during the breeding season.
This is compatible with a monogamous species showing a degree of female infidelity.
"It may be one of the only truly monogamous species in the world."
By this index, humans are not a monogamous species, because the male-female size ratio is about 1.15 to 1.
They are a monogamous species, usually for life.
In the monogamous species, the mantis shrimp remain with the same partner for up to 20 years.